Oregano Infused Butter
Garnish | 10 minutes

Copiana's fresh oregano grows so large that cooking through it seems intimidating. I often find myself putting it in everything I can before it goes on the drying rack and recently found an easy way to add it to your butter. My favorite way to enjoy this recipe is on grilled cheese with greenhouse tomatoes, spinach, Copiana basil, and brie.
Most Copiana herbs go into butter quite nicely, so feel free to mix and match with whatever herb you brought home with your harvest.
- 1/2 Cup Butter, Softened
- 4 TSP Minced Fresh Copiana Oregano
- 1-1/2 TSP Minced Fresh Copiana Thyme
- 1/2 TSP Garlic Powder
In a small bowl, combine the butter, oregano, thyme and garlic powder. Beat on medium-low speed until mixture is combined.
Recipe Credit: tasteofhome.com